The Skippers Blog

A Cargo of Timber to Kent


Ed Gransden asked if we would like to take some wood belonging to Ardwina from Kevin Finch’s yard at Fullbridge to Lower Halstow where it will be used on her. We said yes and asked… Read More


News from our office


Active Thames funds Sea-Change

Active Thames, led by the Port of London Authority (PLA), has awarded £150,000 in grants to successful applicants. The increase in funding from over £90,000 last year to nearly £150,000 this year demonstrates  the continuing… Read More

News from our office


The History of The Five Ark Royals

Rear Admiral David Snelson CB FNI, former Commander of the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, will be giving a talk on ‘The History of The five Ark Royals’ upstairs at Maldon Little Ship Club, Essex… Read More

News from the Barge


Learning through outdoor activity

Young people who sail on a residential voyage onboard Blue Mermaid fully participate in all activities during their stay with us. They learn skills such as resilience, team working, communication, and leadership whilst working together… Read More

News from the Barge


The value of Sail Training

Sea-Change Sailing Trust is a member of The Association of Sail Training Organisations. ASTO  have commissioned researched into the effect of residential sail training voyages on the lives of participants. Group leaders reported the following… Read More

The Skippers Blog


The Cutty Sark Curatorial Team Go Sailing

One of the many legacies of the immensely successful and ground-breaking Shipshape Heritage Training Partnership that ended last year and was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund, was the involvement of both static museum ships and… Read More

News from the Barge


Blue Mermaid – A film star!

Sea-Change Sailing Trust is working with film maker Huw Wahl and production assistant Rose Ravetz in the creation of a feature length film exploring the artistry of engineless sailing. For most of history relying on… Read More