Blue Mermaid – A film star!

Sea-Change Sailing Trust is working with film maker Huw Wahl and production assistant Rose Ravetz in the creation of a feature length film exploring the artistry of engineless sailing.

For most of history relying on an engine would have been unimaginable, but today almost every sailing boat has an engine and most seafarers don’t countenance leaving harbour without one.

Our engineless Thames sailing barge Blue Mermaid will feature in the film, and then after a premiere at The Cutty Sark, Greenwich, in 2024, will take the film on tour to ports around the East Coast, using the hold as a cinema to screen the film at ports visited along the way. Huw and Rose are crowdfunding to buy 16mm film stock  to make this film. Please visit their site Wind, Tide & Oar and give your support to this exciting project.