There’s no such thing as bad weather

At Sea-Change Sailing Trust we love weather!

Our Thames sailing barge Blue Mermaid has no engine and uses just wind and tide for propulsion.

Every year around 200 young people and vulnerable adults sail with us on residential voyages designed to develop essential life skills. We enjoy having fun outdoors and so we lend our clients waterproof clothing that keeps them warm and dry whilst they are handling sails, winding a windlass, having a treasure hunt on a beach, or steering the barge.

It is time to replace our current set of wet weather gear and Tesco Community Grants are helping us. If you live near Maldon Extra, or Burnham or Danbury Tesco Express please help us towards our goal by popping in regularly over the next week or so and adding a token to the Sea-Change Sailing Trust’s ‘Keep our Young Sailors Dry’ appeal as you exit.

If you don’t live near to the Tesco stores that are supporting us, you can go to our Facebook Page and use the DONATE button to contribute to the waterproofs fund.  Every little helps!