Learning through outdoor activity
Young people who sail on a residential voyage onboard Blue Mermaid fully participate in all activities during their stay with us. They learn skills such as resilience, team working, communication, and leadership whilst working together to sail an engineless Thames sailing barge in the waters off East Anglia. There are nautical skills to be gained too – we are an RYA Recognised Training Establishment. All this whilst having FUN!
We have just sailed for a week with young people from Gravesham Young Lives Foundation Legends Programme who were funded by the Active Thames Fund and Reconnect Kent. Without the support of external funders groups such as YLF would not be able to benefit from residential holidays like this. Thank you to all our supporters large and small – you make a real difference to the lives of the young people who come sailing with us. Everyone enjoyed themselves trying new things like steering a sailing barge, rowing, climbing the rigging, and knot tying, with some beach visits to run off any left over energy. This young man’s smile says it all!