Discover Your Talents And The Value Of Teamwork

Participating in a residential voyage onboard Blue Mermaid enables our clients to try things they have never done before – to discover their talents and understand the value of teamwork. Someone has to go out along the bowsprit to unwrap the jib each day before we set sail, someone else will climb aloft to unwrap the topsail, and others will be working as a team to wind up the anchor, or handling ropes to control the sails as we set off.

Someone will feel pride in being able to prepare and serve a meal for a whole crew of hungry sailors, and another will be quietly holding the spokes of the wheel and keeping the barge on a steady course.  There is something for everyone. No previous sailing experience necessary. Our three friendly barge staff will help everyone to learn new skills and keep everyone safe.

We are a very low carbon organisation – Blue Mermaid doesn’t have an engine. We do all of this, and much more, using just wind and tide alone!

We have a busy season ahead and  there are just a couple of residential trips still available if you have a group that you think would benefit from a residential voyage with us. Please contact us for more information.